Now I have discovered my tummy and all the fun things I can do while lying on it, I want to be on it all the time. Even when Mummy is changing my nappy. This is making Daddy laugh.
When I lie down on my big Eeyore blanky I play with my teething keys which make tinkle tinkle noises, then I roll over on my tummy and try to inhale everything within reach, including my own hands. This means that Mummy and Daddy need to keep moving me about so I'm not lying in a pool of my own dribble. They are very obliging like that.
When I'm on my tummy everything looks closer somehow. But its really difficult to reach stuff because I'm holding myself up by my arms, so I have to Yell to get Mummy and Daddy to bring me things to chew on. This is because I have three - three! - teeth coming.
Poopy teeth. They started coming at nine weeks. Daddy says this is further evidence that I am an alien brought to earth to frustrate his plans to dominate the universe. Or something. What it means is that I have to fight my compulsion to shove my hands in my mouth all the time - I'm not very good at it unfortunately, so Mummy and Daddy have to keep wiping my face and popping my dummy back in after extricating my hands. Sometimes they make a cool 'pop' noise when they come out, it makes Mummy and Daddy laugh.
It is my ambition to be able to do what Nate does and fit my entire fist in my mouth without chundering. After all, everyone should have a hobby.
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Can Someone Tell Me What Divorce Is Please?
I don't know. But since Mummy discovered her old CDs last night and started playing lots of these funny people like Bewitched, Ace Of Base and Five, Daddy has been muttering about it constantly.
Monday, 29 September 2008
My Wonderful Garden
I love our back garden. I'd spend all day out there with Daddy (apart from the times when I'm having my feed or down one of the Quays feeding the birdies, obviously) if I could.
When I'm in a bad mood I tell Daddy in my most persuasive Yell that I want to go outside. So he puts on his T-shirt and my jacket if its cold and we go out the back and into the garden.
There are so many fun things to look at out there. We have two bunny rabbits, who are called Mister Scruffles and Syco. Well that's what Daddy calls them, anyway. Mummy and Amber call Syco 'Katie' instead, but Daddy says 'no, she's a cat-beating syco'.
When Syco is in her hutch she doesn't seem to do very much, and Daddy says she is doing her impresson of a Big Fat Dead Thing. It's quite a good impression actually.
Mister Scruffles has been changing lately. He was brown all over, but now he seems to have lots of black patches on him, especially around his bottom. Mummy has been wrapping him up in a cloth and doing things to him. Mummy says he needs to shed his extra fur, but he doesn't look very happy about it. When she wraps him up, his fur flies everywhere and Daddy says Mummy is plucking him like a chicken, whatever that is.
There is a big tree in our garden. I can spend ages watching the wind move the leaves about, and today I sat on Daddy's lap for five minutes looking at its reflection in the patio doors. I think it's so amazing.
Daddy says we are on a 'geese flight path', whatever that means. But those great big birds that make the 'honk, honk' noise and fly over twenty at a time are wonderful, I follow them until they are just dots in the sky.
I love the sky too. I look at it in total silence for ages. Daddy tells me what he thinks the weather is going to do when I am looking up at it. Tonight there were big clouds so he says maybe it will rain and all the grass will be wet in the morning.
Our garden has the best sky ever. It is huge and blue, and at night has hundreds of stars in it that I love to look at wrapped up in Daddy's arms and my special yellow Blanky.
I have had lots of time in the garden today. Once Syco sniffed my toes and I giggled. Daddy says she is figuring out what I am and whether or not I am edible. The way I saw her polish off the carrot Mummy gave her today he might not be totally kidding. I'm sure nothing can get that fat being purely vegetarian, that's for sure.
Tomorrow I am going to see my friend Chloe. She shares her toys with me and is really nice. I'll tell you all about it afterwards.
Night night and sleep tight everyone.
When I'm in a bad mood I tell Daddy in my most persuasive Yell that I want to go outside. So he puts on his T-shirt and my jacket if its cold and we go out the back and into the garden.
There are so many fun things to look at out there. We have two bunny rabbits, who are called Mister Scruffles and Syco. Well that's what Daddy calls them, anyway. Mummy and Amber call Syco 'Katie' instead, but Daddy says 'no, she's a cat-beating syco'.
When Syco is in her hutch she doesn't seem to do very much, and Daddy says she is doing her impresson of a Big Fat Dead Thing. It's quite a good impression actually.
Mister Scruffles has been changing lately. He was brown all over, but now he seems to have lots of black patches on him, especially around his bottom. Mummy has been wrapping him up in a cloth and doing things to him. Mummy says he needs to shed his extra fur, but he doesn't look very happy about it. When she wraps him up, his fur flies everywhere and Daddy says Mummy is plucking him like a chicken, whatever that is.
There is a big tree in our garden. I can spend ages watching the wind move the leaves about, and today I sat on Daddy's lap for five minutes looking at its reflection in the patio doors. I think it's so amazing.
Daddy says we are on a 'geese flight path', whatever that means. But those great big birds that make the 'honk, honk' noise and fly over twenty at a time are wonderful, I follow them until they are just dots in the sky.
I love the sky too. I look at it in total silence for ages. Daddy tells me what he thinks the weather is going to do when I am looking up at it. Tonight there were big clouds so he says maybe it will rain and all the grass will be wet in the morning.
Our garden has the best sky ever. It is huge and blue, and at night has hundreds of stars in it that I love to look at wrapped up in Daddy's arms and my special yellow Blanky.
I have had lots of time in the garden today. Once Syco sniffed my toes and I giggled. Daddy says she is figuring out what I am and whether or not I am edible. The way I saw her polish off the carrot Mummy gave her today he might not be totally kidding. I'm sure nothing can get that fat being purely vegetarian, that's for sure.
Tomorrow I am going to see my friend Chloe. She shares her toys with me and is really nice. I'll tell you all about it afterwards.
Night night and sleep tight everyone.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
My Busy Day
We never found the salesman, in the end. Daddy seemed a bit dissappointed. I looked and looked from my little car seat when we went down to Mudeford Quay this morning, but I just couldn't see him.
When we got to the Quay we did just about my favourite thing ever - feeding the birdies. At Mudeford there are the big white ones with the wings that are twice the size of me, and the little ones that go quack a lot and stay clear of the big white ones, and of course the best ones - the shrieky white ones that snatch the bread right out of the air and hover in front of me almost close enough to touch.
I say almost because no matter how hard I try, Daddy never lets me get quite close enough to grab one to take home and play with. It'd be great to have my own birdie to speak Shriek with, but the little guys never seem to want to let me cuddle them, even when I stick out my little arms, kick my little legs and use my most persuasive Shriek speeches. I can feel the beat of their wings on my little face, but they always fly off a bit just when I think I can get one of them to be my new friend.
There are lots of people at the Quay. Some of them coo over me, and Mummy likes it. But when some of the old ladies ask how old I am, but they always seem to think I'm a boy, which is probably why Mummy keeps making me wear pink even though Daddy says she swore blind I was going to be a tomboy from the day I was born.
After we fed the birdies, Mummy took me home for my feed and Daddy and big sister Amber went off to walk the beach from Mudeford to Highcliffe (where my Granny and Grandad live) because Amber wanted to build a barrier to stop the sea coming in. When they got to Granny and Grandad's Amber had very wet feet and Daddy said it had worked really well except for the bits when the sea washed over it and it crumbled away.
Going to Granny's is sometimes fun. Sometimes I get lots of cuddles from Mummy and Daddy and they take me into the huge garden which has an actual wood at the end, yay the Grannygarden! I also get to sit in Granny's little house which lives in the Grannygarden and has very creaky chairs in it.
Sometimes it isn't fun. Sometimes they let Granny cuddle me, and I scream my freaking head off. Grandad thinks this is very funny, Mummy feels guilty and Daddy mutters about babies being scared of Dragons. I don't think he means Granny to hear, but he always seems to talk loudly enough for her to just about hear it, and she thumps him around the ear and he says 'ow' just like when Mummy does it.
Today was a fun day. I had lots of giggles in the little house in the garden with Mummy and Amber and Granny, while Daddy ate his lunch with Grandad. Mummy rolled her eyes and said they were talking about Pottylicks again, which doesn't make much sense because I've heard about potties, and I don't know why anyone would want to lick one, I mean really!
Then Mummy went inside and Daddy came out to cuddle me, and Amber ran away from a spider that was inside a bucket. I thought this was very funny, especially when Daddy pantomined the tiny spider jumping out and ripping Amber's face off and said not to worry, it was about the size of his fingernail and he could definitely beat it in a fair fight.
Then I had my feed and I fell asleep. When I woke up we were in the big place with all the people and the things to buy, and I smiled at everyone and they made Squee noises. I don't speak Squee yet, I think it must be for grownups only.
But my day wasn't over yet...after my next feed we went back to Mudeford again, joy! This time it was getting dark as we arrived, and we went to the harbour side of the Quay where there were lots and lots of swans, double joy!
Daddy counted 21 of them all trying to grab the bread off us and fight each other for it. Swans bite each others necks when they fight, they are mean birdies sometimes.
But there was also two ducks having a *huge* fight, Mummy even filmed it on the camera. I felt quite dizzy watching them go round and round in a big circle, flapping and quacking. The swans stopped eating our bread to watch them too, I think they were taking bets on the winner.
Daddy took pictures of Mummy and I kneeling down to feed them, then Mummy tried to use the timer on the camera to take some of all of us. But Daddy wouldn't stand still and kept being really silly when Mummy asked him to stand in a certain place with me. No matter how hard she tried to explain it to him, he seemed to keep getting it wrong. Amber thought it was very funny, and Daddy seemed to laugh a lot as Mummy got all annoyed with him. I wonder about my Daddy sometimes, I thought he was cleverer than that.
Then I went home and had a bath with Mummy, and then, and this is the funny thing, Daddy got all annoyed with her instead because she forgot everything for my bath - soap, shampoo, my ducks, my sponge, towels, everything! And Daddy seemed to get more and more miffed every time she asked him to bring up something new that she had forgotten. She whispered something to me about 'revenge' which is a funny word she uses a lot. So does Daddy in fact.
They both seemed to be a bit tired after all the excitement of the bath, so as I was having my last feed I decided to give them a nice big present to cheer them up and detonated a Size Four in my nappy. I'm sure they were very grateful.
Night night and sleep tight everyone.
When we got to the Quay we did just about my favourite thing ever - feeding the birdies. At Mudeford there are the big white ones with the wings that are twice the size of me, and the little ones that go quack a lot and stay clear of the big white ones, and of course the best ones - the shrieky white ones that snatch the bread right out of the air and hover in front of me almost close enough to touch.
I say almost because no matter how hard I try, Daddy never lets me get quite close enough to grab one to take home and play with. It'd be great to have my own birdie to speak Shriek with, but the little guys never seem to want to let me cuddle them, even when I stick out my little arms, kick my little legs and use my most persuasive Shriek speeches. I can feel the beat of their wings on my little face, but they always fly off a bit just when I think I can get one of them to be my new friend.
There are lots of people at the Quay. Some of them coo over me, and Mummy likes it. But when some of the old ladies ask how old I am, but they always seem to think I'm a boy, which is probably why Mummy keeps making me wear pink even though Daddy says she swore blind I was going to be a tomboy from the day I was born.
After we fed the birdies, Mummy took me home for my feed and Daddy and big sister Amber went off to walk the beach from Mudeford to Highcliffe (where my Granny and Grandad live) because Amber wanted to build a barrier to stop the sea coming in. When they got to Granny and Grandad's Amber had very wet feet and Daddy said it had worked really well except for the bits when the sea washed over it and it crumbled away.
Going to Granny's is sometimes fun. Sometimes I get lots of cuddles from Mummy and Daddy and they take me into the huge garden which has an actual wood at the end, yay the Grannygarden! I also get to sit in Granny's little house which lives in the Grannygarden and has very creaky chairs in it.
Sometimes it isn't fun. Sometimes they let Granny cuddle me, and I scream my freaking head off. Grandad thinks this is very funny, Mummy feels guilty and Daddy mutters about babies being scared of Dragons. I don't think he means Granny to hear, but he always seems to talk loudly enough for her to just about hear it, and she thumps him around the ear and he says 'ow' just like when Mummy does it.
Today was a fun day. I had lots of giggles in the little house in the garden with Mummy and Amber and Granny, while Daddy ate his lunch with Grandad. Mummy rolled her eyes and said they were talking about Pottylicks again, which doesn't make much sense because I've heard about potties, and I don't know why anyone would want to lick one, I mean really!
Then Mummy went inside and Daddy came out to cuddle me, and Amber ran away from a spider that was inside a bucket. I thought this was very funny, especially when Daddy pantomined the tiny spider jumping out and ripping Amber's face off and said not to worry, it was about the size of his fingernail and he could definitely beat it in a fair fight.
Then I had my feed and I fell asleep. When I woke up we were in the big place with all the people and the things to buy, and I smiled at everyone and they made Squee noises. I don't speak Squee yet, I think it must be for grownups only.
Daddy counted 21 of them all trying to grab the bread off us and fight each other for it. Swans bite each others necks when they fight, they are mean birdies sometimes.
But there was also two ducks having a *huge* fight, Mummy even filmed it on the camera. I felt quite dizzy watching them go round and round in a big circle, flapping and quacking. The swans stopped eating our bread to watch them too, I think they were taking bets on the winner.
Then I went home and had a bath with Mummy, and then, and this is the funny thing, Daddy got all annoyed with her instead because she forgot everything for my bath - soap, shampoo, my ducks, my sponge, towels, everything! And Daddy seemed to get more and more miffed every time she asked him to bring up something new that she had forgotten. She whispered something to me about 'revenge' which is a funny word she uses a lot. So does Daddy in fact.
They both seemed to be a bit tired after all the excitement of the bath, so as I was having my last feed I decided to give them a nice big present to cheer them up and detonated a Size Four in my nappy. I'm sure they were very grateful.
Night night and sleep tight everyone.
Imminent Death Of A Salesman
I'm dictating to Daddy now whilst lying in state on my bouncer. In Shriek.
I'm in a good mood actually, considering I was woken up by Mummy bounding out of bed at 7am on a Sunday morning. Not sure why the time and the day's important, but Daddy seemed to think so. I suppose it might be because I was a bit late - normally I like getting him up for my first bottle at 5.30 on a Sunday, its a nice time of day - the birdies are just starting to sing.
Mummy woke my big sister up as well when she ran into her bedroom to look out of the window. She said she thought it was Saturday when she stays at Granny and Grandads and wouldnt be in her room. My, how we laughed. Well, I did anyway. No one else seemed to be amused at first, though Daddy was when Mummy said that the reason she jumped up was someone was knocking at the door, and thats why she went into my big sister's bedroom. Apparently it was a man with a clipboard and a shoulder bag who looked like some sort of salesman. At 7am on Sunday morning.
Daddy thinks we are going to find him just down the road, hanging from a lamppost by his bagstraps, probably with his clipboard shoved in the place I use to fill my nappies. Sounds uncomfortable.
I'm in a good mood actually, considering I was woken up by Mummy bounding out of bed at 7am on a Sunday morning. Not sure why the time and the day's important, but Daddy seemed to think so. I suppose it might be because I was a bit late - normally I like getting him up for my first bottle at 5.30 on a Sunday, its a nice time of day - the birdies are just starting to sing.
Mummy woke my big sister up as well when she ran into her bedroom to look out of the window. She said she thought it was Saturday when she stays at Granny and Grandads and wouldnt be in her room. My, how we laughed. Well, I did anyway. No one else seemed to be amused at first, though Daddy was when Mummy said that the reason she jumped up was someone was knocking at the door, and thats why she went into my big sister's bedroom. Apparently it was a man with a clipboard and a shoulder bag who looked like some sort of salesman. At 7am on Sunday morning.
Daddy thinks we are going to find him just down the road, hanging from a lamppost by his bagstraps, probably with his clipboard shoved in the place I use to fill my nappies. Sounds uncomfortable.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
This Is Lulu
Hello blogging world. Well, the odd one or two that stumble across here till my Daddy gets some links and stuff going, anyway. My name's Lulu, and my Mummy and Daddy thinks its only fair that I get my own space to jot down my thoughts as the days go by and I get bigger and poo more.
Daddy promises he will faithfully translate my deep thoughts about social justice, environmental activism and why Piglet is cute from the original Gurgle. I also speak Shriek, Yell, Giggle, Hiccup and Red-Faced Strain, so its just as well he is multilingual when it comes to babies otherwise he'd have his work cut out, bless his stubbly face.
Anyway, I'm off to sleep now while Daddy considers going and 'dealing with the sods who are yelling outside and keeping her awake'. I don't know what he means exactly, but I like it when Mummy deals the cards with the funny pictures on so I can grab them off Daddy as he's holding me. They have pretty red and black colours on them, you know. Mummy and my big sister must like them too because they always seem very pleased when I show them the ones I've grabbed off Daddy!
Night night and sleep tight everyone.
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