Tuesday 18 November 2008

Daddy Forecast

Here is the Daddy Forecast, gurgled by weatherbaby Lulu.

Coughing continues strongly, voice is becoming huskier with the possibility of severe loss just in time for the weekend. Headaches due to excessive coughing and fitting 5'10 frame onto 4 foot sofa increasing steadily, general exhaustion levels also on the rise with strong possibility of abatement tomorrow when I visit Dan and Clo-Clo for the day and he spends it sleeping.

Now I shall hand you back to non-weatherbaby Lulu for a general news update.

Thank you, weatherbaby Lulu.


Daddy still sicky.


Baby hits six months and starts weaning with varying degrees of success.


Baby sees Paediatrician in followup appointment, gets cooed over and pronounced healthy and cute but also awkward and insomniac.


Daddy pledges detailed update as soon as he's feeling better.


Night night and sleep tight everyone.

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