Thursday 20 November 2008

Shooting Star

As if seeing Santa the other week wasn't cool enough, last night I was having my evening back garden time with Daddy and we saw an actual shooting star! It went very quickly out from behind the tree and looked like it nearly crashed into a house. Though it was fun to see it, I wouldn't even want that to happen to one of those 'hippees' Daddy doesn't like (who must have really done something to annoy him in the past).

The trees were particularly amazing last night. Even though they don't have any leaves on them now its winter, they looked really eerie all lit up by the big light outside the annoying DIY neighbour's patio door.

We couldn't find the moon, though. It was very, very strange. We cast around, looking up at the sky together for ages. We saw lots of stars, but no lovely big round moon. Amber came out and told us some of their names, then predictably Daddy made up some silly ones like 'Uneven Shiny Line' and 'Big Bright One Next To Two Little Ones'.

Anyway, outdoor nocturnal silliness aside, I've got loads to tell you all about but Daddy isn't feeling all that well still so most of it will have to wait until he's feeling well and truly better. He has a husky voice which is annoying because he can't do so many funny voices for me or sing to me much at all, and his nasty choky fits keep waking me up when I'm asleep in my bouncer. This officially Sucks. I think he may be on the sofa again tonight as well, which means I will only have Mummy to wake up every single hour of the night.

The not sleeping thing is part of the weaning, the paediatrician lady said to Daddy when he took me to see her the other day. So I think Mummy and Daddy kind of wish they'd got started on it a bit earlier, but there you go, you can't have everything in life. Soon I may actually achieve the desired state of eating one part baby rice to making fifty parts mess.

Could happen, you never know.

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