Sunday 23 November 2008

Yummy Goodness & Why My Mummy Has To Be A Very Patient Lady

I am finally getting into this weaning thing! Baby rice is true yummyness, I have now decided. What helps is that Mummy got my big sister's old baby walker thingy out of the loft and I can sit up in it and play, and eat my food as well as my toys! So this way there isn't as much messyness (as long as they keep the bowl out of my reach of course) and I have discovered that its actually fun to, you know, eat the food instead of just letting it dribble back out again. Or gag on it.

Now Daddy is feeling better and not doing his celebrated 'man coughing up a lung' impression, I have been catching up on playtime. Whether or not I should be doing inconsequential things like sleeping or feeding is frankly irrelevant. I yelled my displeasure for a solid hour yesterday morning when he dared to try and get me down for the post-first-feed nap I hadn't had earlier. Between you and I, I think he was getting a tad frustrated by the end of it all and Mummy very kindly got up out of bed to come and help him out.

Mummy has been helping Daddy lots while he has been ill, he says she is teh star. She has been doing the washing up sometimes (granted this has been on the grounds that there isn't much point getting it clean if he then coughs all over it, but still) and has managed to make his job easier at least once a day by forgetting to boil the water for my feed when he asks to so he has to give me a carton instead. Isn't that generous?

Some mornings she has also got up to me and let him sleep in, like Friday when we take my big sister straight to the swimming pool instead of her getting the bus to school. Well, all right yes he did get up to make sure Amber was ready for school at half past six, but that's not the point. He got to go back to bed again for a whole two hours when we went off to pick up Frankie and go to the pool, so he was quids in there.

In other news, Jacques the Shark accidentally ended up in the washing machine today. He got a teeny tiny bit squidged and Daddy says he now looks like he's had one too many glasses of champagne instead of his usual suave expression. We're still not quite sure how he got there, I think maybe Mummy was trying to get rid of him because she is getting miffed off with Daddy running him through my bathwater whilst chanting the Jaws theme in a French accent. Every time.

Poor Mummy. I don't know where she gets the patience.

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