Thursday 13 November 2008

Sicky Daddy

Apologies to all my avid readers, but Daddy isn't very well at the moment so blogging may be light for a couple of days. He is feeling rough enough that Mummy kindly took pity on him and let him sleep for a whole three hours in the daytime today. Shame I'd got him up from 4am really.

I have been giving him lots of cuddles and smiles to cheer him up though, and we have been dancing together to lots of music videos like this one, which he says is one of his top ten songs of all time even though the Youtube version of the video isn't very good quality, and the band are 'a bunch of hippies really', whatever that means . So presumably this must mean he isn't feeling that dreadful really, so I'm sure normal service will be resumed soon.

Night night and sleep tight everyone.

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