Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Aunty Chelle

Auntie Chelle isn't really my auntie, but she is our fun friend. She is always very happy to see me and always gives me lots of cuddles and playtime. I spent ages with her today when Mummy picked her up to come and visit us all. We went to Sainsbury's for that 'bredunmiwk' stuff we always seem to go there for, and then we came home to see Daddy and my sicky sister, who isn't as sicky as she was and is going back to school tomorrow if she isn't sicky again. This is officially Good News as she might have had to miss her birthday party on sunday if she didn't get better.

When we got back home Daddy gave me lots of cuddles and he snuggled me while I had my bottle. I have been having cartons today as my tummy has been a bit funny too and cartons are better for me than powdered milk. Mummy and Daddy were silly enough to try and water my milk down this morning to help my tummy - I wasn't having any of that nonsense and I made it very very clear too. In Shriek.

Once I had finished my bottle I did a big window-rattling burp and went to sleep for a little while. When I woke up I had some Tummy Time on my Eeyore blanky and Aunty Chelle took this lovely picture of me.

Daddy says modesty is a virtue of people who have nothing to boast about so I'm going to shamelessly blow my own trumpet and say how totally cute I look, so there! Aunty Chelle was so pleased with herself for getting me at just the right moment, she was grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Even Amber stirred from her pit of Unclean Sicky Doom and said how nice it looked.

Aunty Chelle stayed for dinner and I grinned at her and flailed about on Mummy's lap. Mummy managed to eat her tea while I did it as well, I was very impressed.

After tea I went back to Aunty Chelle's and played with Kizzy the little yappy dog. I like to try and stroke her fur but Mummy doesn't let me because doggies aren't very clean creatures. Daddy says the caretaker's great big woofy dog at his old school wasn't very clean at all, in fact it used to go up to the gate and 'put on a show', whatever that means. Maybe it did poetry recitals or some light opera?

We were just getting ready to go to Mudeford Quay when Mummy suddenly remembered she was meant to go to Hockey Practice tonight, so we had to rush back home, hand me over to Daddy and then off she went, and came back without any new artificial joints or breaks of any sort, bonus!

Daddy says This Won't Last.

I was very good for Daddy, I snuggled into him and we watched a show with a spaceship in it, it was really cool. I even gave him a lovely goopy yellow poo to change, he seemed very pleased with it. He always takes the poopy nappies out to the kitchen when he's done with them, I think he must be making a collection out there somewhere.

I didn't want to go to sleep after my last feed though. I did all my favourite tricks - the Footslamming to kick my covers off, the Gobbing of the Dummy, and then just as Daddy went back downstairs I heard Mummy come in so I asked her very politely if she wouldn't mind coming upstairs to see me, just for a few brief moments. In Yell.

She did, yay for my powers of persuasion eh? But now I'm very tired and I am going to get my beauty sleep so Aunty Chelle can come and take more super-cute pics of me tomorrow.

Night night and sleep tight everyone.

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