Thursday 16 October 2008

Birthday Girl

It was my big sister's actual birthday today, she is 12 years old. Daddy says he can't believe she has survived this long without bodily dismemberment by her closest relative i.e. him. Though I always thought bodily dismemberment was Syco's job. Certainly that suicidal Robin Redbreast coming back to play in the garden again today must be a prime candidate for the full treatment.

My big sister had lots of presents to open today, mostly from Mummy and Daddy. They bought her books and crossword puzzles and DVDs and some funny socks with skulls on. Aunty Hayley from all the way in London bought her a DVD, my Great-Aunty Jayney and Great-Uncle Bob bought her this very woolly coat thingummy, for a minute I thought they'd skinned a sheep and sent it in the post. Granny Butterworth sent her lots of money for new clothes, Great-Auntie Avril sent her a cool scrapbook and Granny and Grandad themselves just sent her lots of money to spend on whatever she likes!

Tomorrow Grandad Jonathan and Granny She are coming down all the way from Yorkshire. That's the place with all the hills Daddy's absolutely not allowed to make jokes about, ever, on pain of pain. I'm sure they will bring her a cool present too.

Amber seemed a bit stressed tonight, Birthday or not she had lots of homework and she was having trouble with a poem about a parrot. She also had to clean out Syco's hutch, which must be a very messy job what with all the bunny weewee, poo pellets and pieces of cat. But we had lots of playtime at bedtime while Daddy made my feed and then later on wrestled with her duvet cover after washing her sheets today. She even chilled me out and made me giggle when I was howling at waking up after falling asleep in the back garden with Daddy. I must have been tired, I almost never do that. It was a special night too, the first time I had been outside while it was cold enough for my breath to steam. Yay for my super yellow Blanky!

I made sure I stayed up for Mummy's return from seeing her friend Dan at the pub by the simple expedient of detonating another Size Six in my nappy in mid-feed. I think Daddy is getting a bit unamused by the late night poopoos. But I got my Mummy cuddles at bedtime, so I think I can live with his crushing disappointment.

Night night and sleep tight everyone.

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