Thursday 9 October 2008

Daddy And The Curse Of The Delayed Dinners

Well, no one can say I didn't have a busy, busy day today. I've been all over the place and it's liable to be even busier tomorrow apparently :)

Because of my sicky sister's tummy still being a bit wobbly, Mummy took her into school in the car this morning to help her keep her strength up after being on a diet of rich tea biccies for two days. Poor Amber, now she is at Big School she has to go and see all her teachers and find out all the oodles of work she has to catch up on. I went with her and Mummy to see her into school and so Daddy could get a bit of extra sleep for once.

Shame Mummy was being incredibly loud on the phone when she came back in with me really. Ah well, c'est la parenthood.

I didn't want my next feed. I'm not sure why, I think maybe I must have thought they'd watered it down like yesterday. I wasn't having any of that nonsense again, no Sir! So I had a bit of an empty tummy when Mummy took me to my First Splash baby swimming group, but I didn't care because they have these really fun toys to play with in the pool. I got to play with the Purple Starfish and the Nemo toy, but then I got my hands on my favourite - the Froggy.

Would I let go of it, even when the session finished and it was time to get out of the pool? Well, I'm sure you all know the answer to that one.

When we came back from Swimming I was in a much better mood, and I noshed my feed just fine this time. However just as Daddy took advantage of Mummy giving me my milkies and sat down to enjoy his scrambled eggies on toast, I detonated a Size Eight in my nappy. And the word 'detonate' is accurate too as it exploded out of the top of my nappy, went almost up to my shoulders inside my T-Shirt and got all over Mummy's top and trousers.

See now I thought Daddy would be really pleased that I got Mummy so brilliantly, but it turns out that grownups don't like having to deal with poo when they are about to eat. I don't know why that is, but he didn't seem very happy about having to help change me. He said something about it being just as well he doesn't like Brown Sauce too, I think that's a joke.

After the huge Changing of the Nappy and the Eating of the Cold Scrambled Eggies, we went to Christchurch so Mummy could buy a new hockey stick, and we saw a nice lady in the sports shop who was my big sister's dinner lady once upon a time. She didn't realise that Mummy and Daddy were connected and was very pleased that I was Daddy's baby, and asked lots of questions about me and how Amber was doing at Big School.

Then Daddy walked me down to Christchurch Quay in the buggy while Mummy took the car, but we literally only got three metres before he saw his friend Denise, who hadn't met me yet and wanted to have a good coo. I like cooing, it always makes me smile so wide my dummy falls out.

When we got to the Quay, the seagulls were out in force. Within the first few seconds of Mummy starting to throw bread in the air, we had dozens and dozens swarming us. They made so much noise even the ducks seemed a bit worried, and there were so many buzzing us that Daddy got a wing buffet on his head, and had to step back very quickly with me when two of them had a mid-air collision and one nearly landed on me.

I just wasn't quick enough to grab him and bring him home though. Poo.

When we got back from Christchurch, Mummy went off to pick Amber up from school, and I suddenly realised I hadn't had a sleep all day. So Daddy cuddled me off and I went in my bouncer until Mummy and Amber came home, and she snuggled me on the sofa and we had our afternoon nap together. When I woke up I felt much better and I had lots of cuddles with Mummy and Daddy while Amber did her catching-up homework. Unfortunately Amber then had a little moment when she went to get a towel for her shower...

It seems that earlier on Mummy banged into a picture frame that was on a dresser table in Mummy and Daddy's room and moved it out of the way onto the bed. Then Daddy took a load of washing upstairs and put it on the bed without knowing the picture was there underneath. And when Amber clambered onto the bed to reach the airing cupboard there was the proverbial cracking sound, and that was the end of the picture frame.

Problem was of course that now there was lots of little bits of glass on some of the washing and on the duvet cover - this is officially Not Good. Funny thing was this happened just as Daddy's meatballs and pasta that Mummy had kindly cooked him was ready, so he had to wait for his food again!

One day Daddy will get to sit and eat his meals when they're actually ready. It will almost certainly be a Tuesday.

Later on, I felt a bit hard done by when Mummy went to see her friend Dan at the pub after Amber went to bed, so I had a bit of a mimp at Daddy and he took me out into the back garden to chill me out.And joy, the moon was out and the clouds couldn't cover it. I spent ages staring at it once Daddy pointed it out to me. There were lots of lovely stars as well and we stayed out there for quite a long time. I was so relaxed that I had another little nap before my last feed.

Mummy came back from the pub just in time to put me to bed, bonus! Daddy got me in my baby sleeping bag thingy and then Mummy stayed with me through the inevitable Footslamming and Dummygobbing. Daddy says that if I was a Dwarf baby I'd be from the Footslammer Clan as I like to do it so much.

Well that's about it for another busy, busy day. Night night and sleep tight everyone.

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